• Is permanent makeup truly permanent?

    Permanent makeup is designed to be long-lasting, but it may fade over time- which is why it is also known as “semi-permanent.” This is one of the benefits as it compares to the permanent cosmetics done in the past. Factors such as skin type, sun exposure, and individual metabolism can affect its longevity. Periodic touch-ups are recommended to maintain the desired look.

  • What type of Pigments do you use?

    We use a carefully curated mix of organic and inorganic pigments to achieve stunning and personalized results for each client. Rest assured, all our pigments are safely formulated in accordance with FDA, FD&C, and D&C colorant listings, meeting the highest standards of quality and safety. With our expertly selected pigments and tools, you can trust us to deliver exceptional results that enhance your natural beauty with confidence.

  • Is the procedure painful?

    Discomfort levels vary among individuals, but most clients report minimal pain (some take a nap). Topical anesthetics are used to numb the treated area, ensuring a more comfortable experience. Sensations during the procedure are often described as a mild scratching or tingling.

  • How do I know which style is suitable for me?

    We believe in crafting personalized looks that enhance your natural beauty. We start by using the golden ratio to determine the ideal placement of your brows and the natural outline of your lips. This mathematical principle helps us create proportions that harmonize with your facial features, ensuring that your brows and lips look like they belong to you and complement your unique aesthetic. From there, we collaborate with you to make adjustments based on your preferences, ensuring that you feel confident and comfortable with the final result.

  • How do I choose the right color for my permanent makeup?

    The right color is determined by your natural skin tone, hair color, and personal preferences. During the consultation, we discuss these factors, perform color testing, and collaborate to choose a shade that complements your features and suits your style.

  • What's the healing process like after the procedure?

    The initial healing period involves some redness, but this typically subsides within a few days. Complete healing may take a few weeks. Detailed aftercare instructions will be provided to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. Healing experiences can vary from person to person, and individual adherence to aftercare instructions plays a crucial role in the outcome.

  • Can I still wear regular makeup after getting permanent cosmetics?

    Absolutely! Permanent makeup is intended to enhance your features, not replace traditional makeup. You can continue to use regular makeup for special occasions or to modify your look as desired. The advantage of permanent makeup is the convenience it provides in daily routines. *Note- no makeup should be applied during healing process.

  • How should I dress and can I bring headphones?

    You can come dressed however you'd like, but comfort is key as some procedures may last 1-3 hours. Feel free to bring headphones for a quieter experience, or if you need to take business calls. I do not mind as long as I have free space to work. Additionally, it's recommended to eat beforehand, avoid coffee, and stay hydrated to ensure a comfortable and smooth appointment.

  • How should I prepare for my appointment?

    Avoid Blood-Thinning Medications: To minimize bleeding during the procedure, it's generally recommended to avoid blood-thinning medications such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and certain herbal supplements for at least a week before your appointment. However, always consult with your healthcare provider before stopping any medication.

    Avoid Alcohol and Caffeine: It's advisable to abstain from consuming alcohol and caffeine for at least 24 hours before your session. These substances can thin your blood and increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.

    Avoid Sun Exposure and Tanning: Protect your skin from excessive sun exposure and tanning beds for at least one week before the procedure. Sunburned or tanned skin can be more sensitive during the treatment and may affect the color outcome.

    Avoid Facial Treatments: Avoid any facial treatments, chemical peels, laser therapies, or similar procedures on or around the brow area for at least two weeks prior. These treatments can irritate the skin and compromise the healing process.

    Do Not Wax or Thread the Eyebrows: Refrain from waxing, threading, or plucking your eyebrows for at least one week before. I will shape and design your eyebrows based on your natural hair growth, and it's best to leave them untouched for accurate measurements.

    Avoid Retinol and Glycolic Acid Products:

    Refrain from using retinol, glycolic acid, and other exfoliating skincare products on your brow area for at least one week before the procedure. These products can increase skin sensitivity and interfere with pigment absorption.

    Inform the Artist of Any Medical Conditions or Medications: It's important to inform your microblading artist of any underlying medical conditions, allergies, or medications you're currently taking. This information can help them ensure your safety during the procedure.

    Arrive with Clean Skin: On the day of your appointment, make sure your brow/lip area is clean and free of makeup, creams, or oils. You can wear mascara and your usual makeup else where (since we will take photos after).

    Avoid applying any skincare products to the area to ensure a clear canvas for the process.